Scripture: Psalm 8:3-4 (NIV)
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"


The other night I stood under the night sky, looking up at the endless expanse above me. The stars (more than I could count)  twinkled like tiny diamonds scattered across a black canvas, and the soft glow lit up the world in quiet majesty. Looking up, I'm blown away by how massive everything feels. I'm just a small person in a world that seems so huge. But then this Psalm comes to mind: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place…" The same God who spoke galaxies into existence stretched out the heavens and set the stars in their courses, carefully and lovingly created each of these shining lights. And here I am—one tiny human standing on one tiny piece of His creation. How crazy is it that the God who made the universe thinks about me? Who am I, that He even cares?

But as I stood there, it hit me: God does think about me. He knows me. He sees me. He's mindful of every little detail of my life. The One who holds the stars in place also holds me in His hands. "What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?" My heart echoes David’s question in wonder. And the answer comes: He loves me. He values me. He has given me a place and a purpose within His creation. As I kept looking up, I realized that every star is a reminder of His power, but even more so, a reminder of His intimate care. I'm not forgotten, not lost in the vastness of space. I am deeply loved by the Creator of all things. I find myself whispering with a heart full of awe, “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” I find it amazing how God puts everything in its place, even me on a quiet dark night here in Maine. God is good...


Almighty and Holy God, I come before You this morning with a heart overflowing with gratitude. Thank You for the gift of this new day, filled with the promise of Your presence and the abundance of Your love. Heavenly Father, I praise You for the breath in my lungs, the beauty of creation around me, and the blessings, both seen and unseen, that You pour into my life. Lord, I ask for prayers for my family and our journey together. Keep us committed to one another through love and promises. Lord, I am reminded of Your faithfulness and provision. In seasons of plenty and in times of need, You are my provider. I thank You for the abundance of grace that sustains me, for Your mercy that renews me each morning, and for the joy that fills my soul because of Your great love. I acknowledge, Lord, that every good and perfect gift comes from You. I express gratitude for my family, friends, health, and hope.

In this early morning moment, I ask that You continue to bless this church family and friends with a spirit of contentment, reminding us that true abundance is found not in possessions but in our relationship with You. Help us to see the richness in the simple things, and may our gratitude be the lens through which we view all of life. Lord, as we worship You today, may our hearts be open to receive more of Your goodness and wisdom. Fill us with Your peace and joy and empower us to be generous with the blessings You’ve given, so that others may see Your love through us. We thank You, Father, for being our source of all that is good. We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we have life in abundance. Amen