"All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God."

As we seek to live in the forgiveness of God, we must ask ourselves what it truly means to live a life of gratitude. When we reflect on our past, it’s easy to divide our experiences into two categories: the good moments that fill us with thankfulness and the bad moments we’d rather forget. But this division of our lives prevents us from moving freely into the future. If we carry within us a list of things to forget, we end up limping forward, burdened by unresolved pain or regret. True spiritual gratitude, however, calls us to embrace all of our past—the joyful and the sorrowful, the good and the difficult. Everything that has happened, no matter how we perceived it at the time, has shaped us into who we are today. This doesn’t mean that all events were good, nor does it mean we must look back with false optimism. Rather, it means that even the difficult moments were lived under the loving presence of God, and through them, He was guiding us in ways we might not have understood at the time.

Living in this kind of gratitude frees us. When we can see our whole story as a part of God’s larger plan for us, we are no longer bound by the need to forget the hard times or ignore the broken pieces. Instead, we remember all of it, trusting that God’s grace was present in every season. And when we remember our past in gratitude, we are liberated to step fully into the future—ready to proclaim the good news of God’s love and forgiveness to others. In forgiving ourselves, accepting God’s forgiveness, and embracing the totality of our lives, we are able to share this same forgiveness and grace with those around us. We become living testimonies of how God can work through both the highs and the lows, turning all things toward good. It is this understanding of grace and gratitude that empowers us to move forward, no longer limping, but walking confidently in the knowledge that God’s love has been with us all along.


Almighty And Holy God, I come to You with a grateful heart, embracing both the joys and sorrows of my past. I come to you this morning releasing the trials of this day. Teach me to see every moment of our journey as part of Your loving guidance. Help us to release the need to forget the hard times and, instead, recognize Your grace through it all. Lord, Your teachings are amazing and true to living a life of hope, love, peace, and joy. As I live in the freedom of Your forgiveness, may I be empowered to share Your love and grace with others. Let my life be a testimony of Your goodness, and guide me forward with joy and confidence in Your plan.  Lord Father, I pray for the upcoming week as we say goodbye to two of your children. Give the families comfort and this community peace and hope in the Word. Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of this life and the assurances of the life to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen.