Nov 3 - "Fall Back" - Set your clocks back an hour, 2 AM
Nov 8 - Church Fair, 3 PM to 7:30 PM; Turkey pie supper, seatings at 4:30 and 5:30.
Nov 9 - Church Fair, 8 AM to Noon
Nov 11 - Office Closed for Veteran's Day.
Nov 28 and 29 - Office Closed for Thanksgiving.
The Men's Group meets every Saturday at 7 AM.
The Women's Group meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 AM.
Ladies Aid meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:30 AM.
Bible Study every Wednesday at 5 PM before the Vespers service at 6 PM.
The Reason meets on Sunday, 5 - 7 pm. Doors open a 4 pm for those who want to play games, listen to or make music, or just hang out.
The Seasoned Reason meets for Vespers at 6 pm with discussion beginning at 6:45 pm in the Board Room. All are welcome to join us!
Choir Practice every Wednesday at 6:45 PM.
Craft Group meets every Thursday at 10 AM.